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Making the Invisible VisibleFernwisser

Making the Invisible Visible ist ein Streetart Projekt von Amnesty International, mit dem auf die Schicksale von sechs Menschen aufmerksam gemacht wird, die Menschenrechtsverletzungen erlitten haben. Umgesetzt wurde das Projekt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem deutschen Streetart Collektiv Mentalgassi und dem Kreativteam Lisa Jelliffe and Kirsten Rutherford der londoner Agentur Wieden + Kennedy.


Find out more and take action at: http://www.amnesty.org/arts

Making the Invisible Visible is an Amnesty International street art project highlighting the plight of six individuals who have suffered human rights abuses.

The project is a unique collaboration between German street art collective Mentalgassi and creative team Lisa Jelliffe and Kirsten Rutherford from Wieden + Kennedy London.

The installations use special lenticular fence posters. Launched in London last year to highlight the case of Troy Davis, this year the campaign can be seen in 26 locations across 6 European cities.

Each installation depicts a close up of an individual’s face. The image is invisible from front on, only becoming visible to those approaching the fence. A plaque on each site alerts passers-by to an Amnesty International website where they can take action in support of each of the individuals featured.

Thanks to Ghosting Season for their track ‚Dead Man’s Switch‘ available here: http://ghostingseason.bandcamp.com/track/dead-mans-switch

[via artinthestreets]

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